
We offer comprehensive services that work hand-in-hand.



Fells Group has led some of the toughest and high profile ballot initiatives in the Mid-Atlantic all while maintaining a 100% placement record. Our team brings to bear over 20 years of experience in managing, directing, and executing high quality and effective petition drives and ballot placement initiatives. All of our programs include robust quality control mechanisms and petition turn-in support to give you absolute confidence on turn-in day that your issue or candidacy will be on the ballot.



Fells Group produces creative campaign assets for clients across mediums. We follow our “3 Cs model” when approaching creative development. Material must be Consistent, Clear, and Compelling. In an oversaturated media environment, robust graphic design and videos not only provide campaign legitimacy, but also stand-out within the few seconds that someone views your advertisement. We produce videos, banner assets, mail pieces, one-pagers, infographics, campaign landing pages, and full websites.

Grassroots Advocacy


From organizing complex stakeholder groups to running robust door-to-door canvass efforts to driving phone calls to offices, Fells Group is ready to get to work for you. We offer strategic grassroots and advocacy services to build a support base and then turn that list into authentic communication with policy influencers and makers. As with all Fells Group campaigns, we have online and traditional grassroots approaches complement one another.



Fells Group plans, launches, and optimizes media campaigns that persuade and drive supporters to take action. Additionally, our agency has a robust in-house creative team that will develop advertising banners, videos, and landing pages. We implement mail programs, launch digital campaigns across a variety of platforms, and incorporate traditional mediums such as billboards and television into our media plans.



Fells Group works with clients to build a messaging strategy that can then be incorporated into compelling creative, cross-platform campaigns, and media communications. When messaging is straightforward and consistent, narratives become stronger and louder. Additionally, we have experience managing press advisories and events – our agency has audio and video resources that may be utilized.



Our agency has decades of political campaign experience. We develop robust grassroots, digital, mail, voter audience, and messaging strategies. Whether you are running for a down ballot or statewide office, we know what to prioritize within your budget. Our unparalleled data analysis dissects each facet of a campaign – from fundraising to social media engagement to doors knocked. In the 2022 cycle, our agency was honored to work with 7 winning candidates.



Coalitions made up of stakeholders, organizations, validators, and activists are a critical component to advancing any issue in today’s partisan and slow-pace policy environment. Fells Group specializes in utilizing our deep network and on-the-ground muscle mentality to identify and activate key organizations and people to advance the ball on a variety of issues. From affordable housing advocacy organizations to tech based issue groups, we have a long history of coalition building across industry and issue lines.

Our expertise
Construction services

Eget odio non ac mi. Porttitor diam viverra est suspendisse. Fermentum est interdum.

Interior construction

Lacus non ultrices diam, placerat eu, tincidunt pulvinar lacus. Felis dui aliquet.

Virtual design and construction

Lacus, pretium euismod ut tempus. Enim ante fermentum eget in id ridiculus.

Preconstruction services

Natoque in sed mauris, sagittis. Nec id elementum, diam varius  pharetra. Ullamcorper.

Our expertise
Construction services

Eget odio non ac mi. Porttitor diam viverra est suspendisse. Fermentum est interdum.

Interior construction

Lacus non ultrices diam, placerat eu, tincidunt pulvinar lacus. Felis dui aliquet.

Virtual design and construction

Lacus, pretium euismod ut tempus. Enim ante fermentum eget in id ridiculus.

Preconstruction services

Natoque in sed mauris, sagittis. Nec id elementum, diam varius  pharetra. Ullamcorper.

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